office worker

Why a lot of people hate big tech companies?

Continuous development of technology is a process that cannot be stopped or denied. The number of fast-growing tech companies is also growing, driving some people mad. According to the results of the study, ASMH Holding NV, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Nvidia Corp., Tencent Holdings Ltd., Facebook Inc., Inc., and an array of other companies are considered to be the most influential and powerful around the world

Irrespective of the situation around the globe and other circumstances, these incorporations and enterprises grow, gaining huge sums of money yearly. They give thousands of working places for ordinary people, offering unique chances not only to earn a living but also to advance their skills and deepen knowledge in the specific area. 

Nonetheless, irrespective of the impressive success and helpfulness of similar businesses, hatred is the word that accompanies them all the time. It is impossible to deny that hating is a sign of dissatisfaction and jealousy. When it comes to seller-customer relations, it is the vivid signal that clients do not like the products and services they receive. However, there is a plethora of other factors that make people hate similar companies, ranging from obvious to unexplainable ones. 

The Most Hated Companies in the World

biggest online sites

Believe it or not, but greed and jealousy are the main reasons why people feel bad about some businesses. In certain instances, there are other factors that may heat those feelings. Just take your time to think of the company that makes you mad. Are there any associations that pop up in your mind right away? 

According to the statistics, Microsoft is the top hated platform ever. Customers from over 20 different countries have specified it as the worst company ever. Does it provide poor-quality services? No, as most options it offers are ultimately useful and beneficial.

Then what?

The overwhelming majority of customers mention the unsavory business strategies the company announced several years ago. The company has been accused of unlawful monopolistic activities, blacklisting journalists, and breaching licensing agreements, which affected its reputation a lot. 

However, it is not the only brand that makes people confused and irritated after only mentioning it. Uber is another service that is widely used and remains an exceptionally hated company around the world. The reasons for these sentiments are different and depend on people, but according to the official information that was published in numerous newspapers not long ago.

Skyscraper corporation

Uber had certain safety issues and underwent exploitative employment practices that influenced its dependability a lot. Besides, more than three thousand passengers reported sexual assaults and inappropriate driver behavior. 

Do you think it is a full list of brands hated worldwide? Forget about it, as the list of big tech services people do not like is unlimited. Thus, Amazon is only one link in a big chain of hated platforms. Customers from at least six countries have expressed their disdain for the tech company, caused by numerous factors, mainly including mistreatment of their warehouse workers. 

Core Reasons for People to Hate Certain Companies

If college students pay someone to do online homework and they receive poor-quality assignments, what are their emotions? Will they address the service once again? In most instances, it will be the first, and the last time they deal with the platform. The same principle works with big tech companies, but the extent of the problem is much bigger. 

People all around the globe hope to receive top-notch services, relevant information, and useful products produced by the most influential and trusted brands. However, what they obtain is frequently the opposite of what they expected to get. As a result, the absence of trust leads to disappointment and hatred. 

This way, Facebook has become one of the most despised social media, which is considered to be outdated and redundant. Safety and privacy issues, some manipulations with the user’s information, and offered content make a lot of users dissatisfied with the service. 

Google is another example of a promising company that causes mixed feelings. On the one hand, customers from all around the globe use this powerful search engine for personal and professional purposes. However, on the other hand, the notoriety of the company, related to the avoidance of taxes, sharing data with third parties, and manipulating the search engine results, make people despise the platform. 


The higher are the people’s expectations, the greater is their disappointment. Although most influential and widely used tech companies can simplify everyday life, contributing to its convenience and comfort, they can also cause dozens of problems. Consequently, the overwhelming majority of customers prefer personal safety, compromising the possible advantages. 

It is indispensable to remember that quality is not the only option appreciated by clients. Individual approach, safety, protection, and concern are not less significant issues that can increase the dependability of the platform and contribute to its reputation. 

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