Blogging about yourself

How to write a blog about yourself?

Getting started with a blog has always been easy. Finding the right niche based on what you love and make money with will be the real challenge. And while there are a million things you can talk about, blogging and talking about yourself is not a bad idea.

In fact, there are a number of celebrities, influencers, media personalities, and even average joes who start a blog and write about their daily lives.

Imagine someone living in Norilsk and covering their life in the cold barrens of Siberia. Or a stay-at-home mom who has to go through the daily routine of raising her 5 kids. Blogging about you and your life is nothing ordinary.

How to get started with a blog about you?

Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or a complete newbie, starting a blog can be an exciting new experience for anyone who likes to spend a few hours writing, researching, and sharing their experience with the world wide web.

If you are new to blogging

If you haven’t already, you can start with Bluehost. Here’s how to can do that in a few easy steps, but if you need more detailed help, here’s my complete guide:

  1. Visit and click Get Started.
  2. Choose the hosting plan you want.
  3. Either enter a new domain name or choose a domain you already own.
  4. Enter your account information and billing information.
  5. Click Submit and you’re all set!

Get started with Bluehost for $2.95/month.

Before starting a blog about your own life, you do not necessarily need to contemplate how to have a lavish life with extravagance before posting anything. People can relate more to the Average Joe than a millionaire playboy whose narcissism is higher than a kite.

What you need is relatable life experiences, flaws, and hardships that you can help others cope with too. People care about what you have to say when they can relate to you.

If you have your own blog already, we can go through all the bits and pieces that you need to look at from a personal and a marketing perspective. After all, if you blog about yourself, you need to brand yourself in a positive light to your future audience.

Let’s get started.

Describe yourself and your Purpose

blogging about yourself

First thing! Describe and define the purpose of your blog! 

Will your blog become a virtual CV or a platform to post about your life? Are you going to write new articles or share tips and tricks to problems you’ve learned to solve?

If you are in the field of digital marketing, content writing, or online entrepreneurship, it is advisable to have a blog that covers every aspect of your niche. If you want your blog to act as a social media platform for your life’s experiences, it’s advisable to let your audience know who you are, where you’re from, and what your life is all about (based on your interests and occupation.)

You need to think about what you want to accomplish with your blog. Here in this article we will look at every different aspects you can use in your personal blog and what to actually write!

Your Blog is your Resume

Have you ever thought about blogging as a resume? It may not be a traditional resume, but it does work and many people have found their prospective employers heading to their blog to learn more about who they are as a person.

If you do plan to use your blog as a resume, it is a good idea to make sure that you include your skills and talk about your creative ideas and any innovative designs you have in progress. You want to showcase yourself without actually putting the pen to paper and creating a traditional resume.

Display your Skills and Talents

blogging on WordPress

If you’ve ever worked as a coach, artist, teacher, freelancer, digital nomad or someone with a particular set of skills, your personal blog can be the bridge between you and your next client.

Upload samples of your work, display your portfolio, share your successes, projects you’ve done earlier and client confessions that were happy with your work. This builds legitimacy if you want to make money from your blog or to build authority as a professional in your field.

Blogging about yourself as an expert in a specific field is your best way to help eke out a living from your blog.

Story-Driven Content

People love a good story where you went nearly bankrupt but fought till the bitter end and recovered. Or you were told that you won’t amount to much, but prove all the naysayers wrong.

Think of Elon Musk and his story in 2008. His company went near bankruptcy and was a few days away from actually closing down his factory as his finances were bleeding dry.

People love to read stories of Personal Transformations!

Weight loss, fighting cancer, battling job loss and depression can all be part of you life’s journey that you can share and how you’ve managed to cope with the lowest of the lows. From a blogger’s perspective, a personal blog does not have to answer all search queries but rather inspire the reader to follow suit.

Personal development is the key to turning internet browsers into followers and even paying customers. If you’re an individual who suffered from chronic health issues but managed to cope with it, you can help others with your story. If certain remedies you’ve used helped you, you can start promoting that to others as long as it is authentic and legitimate.

What should you avoid in your Personal Blog?

girl sitting on bed with laptop

There are no limitations to what topics and ideas you can cover. However, there are three tips I would like to share with you should avoid by all means!

  1. Don’t publish anything too personal! A blog is not social media account. Here you’ll be visited by a bunch of strangers, not your close acquaintances or friends who can relate to you.
  2. Drama and controversy. If you’re a consistent Youtube watcher, you might know what I’m talking about. Blogging is somewhat like Youtubers, who try to build up drama to get more views and clicks, eventually resulting in demonetization or banned channels.
  3. Don’t be fake. Your audience can see through bullshit eventually and make your blog a bad experience or expose you in the comments.

Some of the best topics include family, life experiences, achievements, tips, and tricks.

If you want to take your blog to the next level and make a living out of it, then you’ll need more time, marketing, and money invested in your website.

Some Great Personal Blogs to Follow

Amateur blogging advice

If you are looking for some inspiration, here are some personal blogs that can help encourage you.

  1. My Wife Quit Her Job: After watching Millenial Money on CNBC of a wealthy and successful family living in California. Steve Chou is the founder of the “My Wife Quit Her Job” blog after leaving his 9 to 5 job and becoming self-sufficient thanks to his wife. While the blog talks a lot about selling profitable products, it is also personal and family-oriented, which makes the blog very personal and relatable.
  2. Motherhood and Mayhem: Single mom, Chelsy has a personal blog and she talks about narcissistic relationships and how to parallel parent. She has honed down to a specific audience – single moms with narcissistic partners – and has built a successful personal blog.
  3. The Blog Abroad: This travel blog is run by a female solo traveler Gloria Atanmo, who tells stories about her travels to across 70 countries and six continents. Her quirky style is complimented by her beautiful photography and her unabashed realness with her readers.

If you want to write a blog about yourself, go for it. Nothing is off limits, but remember, you are opening your life for others to learn about. Whatever you show them is how people will judge you.

Be yourself!

Perhaps the most important aspect of all is to be yourself! Why? As people, we are unique with our own struggles, coping mechanisms, and lives. Yet many people try to imitate the life of influencers, celebs and popular personalities.

It just doesn’t work in the long run.

You can always get inspiration from other personalities and write a blog about it. But if your blog is under your domain name, do share your own photos, videos and stories with your readers.

Always be yourself!

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