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Business Tips

How To Build Your Brand In Four Steps

Brand awareness is an important part of a business. Social media websites like Twitter and Facebook have made it easier than ever before to increase brand awareness, and as such, they should be utilized by most businesses today.

Before you can begin to think about promoting your products or services on social media sites, you need to establish the purpose of doing so. You will also need to consider your budget and choose which activities would be most effective in reaching your goals – whether that’s increasing sales, developing customer relationships, or just getting more people talking about you.

Here Are 4 Ways To Increase Brand Awareness

Utilize existing contacts

You may already have Facebook or Twitter accounts for your business; if not, make sure you open one. Then search through your address book and email contacts to see who is already on the site, and ask them to like your page, follow you, or retweet your posts to increase the BrandTotal.

Analyze data

You could spend hours figuring out which platforms will work best for you in terms of demographics, but many online tools can help you do this in minutes. In addition, these give information on how active an audience is on each platform, so you know where to focus most effort.

Brand Exposure

Another way of finding out about potential exposure is by doing a simple Internet search to find what others have said about you online. You can also see what has been written about your competitors. 

Just be careful not to let it influence your plans too much – after all, these reviews may have been written a while ago, and things could have changed since then.

Maintain Your Business Profiles

Once you’ve decided which platform or platforms you want to use, consider how often you plan on updating them. Of course, there is no absolute answer, but most businesses will aim for daily updates at first if they’re just starting out, eventually moving down to once a week as they get more established.

Put Your Brand Out There

These regular postings should mention new products available on the website and give details of discounts and special offers happening regularly throughout the year – at Christmas, for example. These posts will include images of any products you want to promote and, where possible, use hashtags (#) and keywords for greater visibility.

Engage With Your Audience

Social media sites are great for allowing your customers to talk about you amongst themselves – after all, they are the people who know best whether or not you offer good service. 

So take advantage of these discussions by joining in with them to show that you are listening – but don’t forget to focus on providing solutions to their problems rather than just promoting yourself. After all, if nobody is saying anything nice about your business, what difference will any promotional activities make?

In summary

Make sure your social media accounts display the right balance of promotional messages and customer service-orientated posts. By following these guidelines, you can improve brand awareness with relatively little investment – but it will require time, patience, and commitment from everyone in your business to ensure it is worthwhile.


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