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Business Tips

Common Problems that can Significantly Hurt your Business

As a business owner, you want to do all you can to protect your livelihood. But everywhere you turn, some dangers can significantly hurt your business. For the most part, threats are out of your control. And there is little you can do more than take appropriate measures and react appropriately. 

Fire and Flood

Fire damage is among the most common threats to personal and business establishments. Further, water damage causes more issues than fire. Of course, you can claim through a reputable insurance provider ( during an investigation for either, but you can avoid problems altogether. Adequate protection against fire and flood involves regular maintenance checks. For instance, you should perform PAT tests for any portable electric equipment to measure steady voltage through cables and plugs. Further, regular fire alarm and extinguisher checks will save lives.

Vandalism and Breakage

Sometimes, you cannot predict the fallibility of others. Vandalism is the deliberate defacing or destruction of property, and your business could suffer at the hands of another. In the UK alone, antisocial behavior accounts for between 500,000 and 1 million acts of vandalism against public shops each year. Following an attack, your business is likely to suffer as a result while you wait for legally mandated repair work. Fortunately, modern tech can help. Smart CCTV devices can connect directly to your home systems, such as a phone or tablet.

Business Decline

Of course, any one of the above issues will cause a decline in business, and sometimes you cannot weather the storm. Additionally, unforeseen events like the Covid-19 pandemic, Brexit, and supply chain issues can cripple your company. While various forms of business help, such as loans and grants, are available, you can face an uncertain future. A business decline in some sectors is inevitable, as reflected by the consequence of online retail on the high street. However, you can insure against decline and make financial contingencies in case of total business loss.

Respiratory Mold

If you are a homeowner, you know the lurking dangers of mold. Some mold is benign, but many species cause respiratory illnesses through prolonged exposure. As a business, this could be disastrous. While mold is easily removed, you could face legal action if your site is found to have caused someone serious harm. The good news is that you can prevent mold from forming in the first place. Ventilation and moisture control are critical. Leave windows open where possible and invest in air conditioning. Also, with mold-resistant solutions, wipe down likely mold areas, such as ceiling edges and corners. Finally, perform an inspection each month.

Weather Damage

Severe weather damage to your business is dependent on where you live. However, even some parts of the UK can succumb to hurricanes and even tornadoes under the right conditions. Weather damage alone will hurt your business, but there are usually accompanying conditions. For instance, storms often cause flooding, and if the worst happens, you can be left with a ruined business. Further, it could be an extended period before you get the help you need. Flood protection and waterproofing are available, but they can be expensive to install.

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