rise in technology and digitalisation

The highest-paying jobs of the future

The future is exciting! And the job market is changing faster than ever before. But it is also rife with changes to which we will have to adapt to if we want to keep up with innovation and development.

The Jobs of the Future


By 2021 the world population will reach 7.8 billion and counting. Evidently, the job market is constantly changing. The demand for new skills is expanding due to the fast changes at the turn of the decade.

Because of disruptive technologies, climate change, advanced robotics, natural resource limitations, an aging population, and green energy, the world is changing. And it is being shaped towards the careers needed for the future.

What are some of the highest-paying jobs of the future?

If you’re a student or a career starter, it means that exciting prospects are abounding across various emerging and developing industries. Entrepreneurialism, connectivity, and digitalization are expected to be a big part of the future career mix.

health professionals in demand


Aging populations, high investments in the health sector mean health professionals will be in high demand as always. Up to 40% more health and community service professionals will be needed by 2021, especially in emerging and third-world countries.

The biggest healthcare companies like UnitedHealth Group alone serve 50 million people. Because of the low numbers of health professionals, another 21.5% more medical scientists will be needed by 2021. Studying Clinical Science, Medicine, Nursery, or Public Health has never been this high in demand.

Speaking of medicine, an area you may want to consider is Pediatric care. When you train to become a pediatrician, you are likely to fall within Australia’s highest paying income brackets. Indeed, there are several branches of medicine that you may want to explore. However, it would help to be guided by your passion and, more importantly, which specialisation can earn you more money.

data protection services

Information Technology

The demand for IT professionals will increase by up to 26.5% by 2021 in the USA alone. These numbers will, of course, drag the world with it. Job estimates for Computer Software Engineers are known to increase 34% for applicants with a Bachelor’s degree, meanwhile, tech giants with vast data research and data analysis will have a soaring 24% increase for graduates with Bachelor’s degrees and/or work experience. 

According to QS University rankings, the cost of cyber-attacks are estimated to exceed $1 billion a year in Australia alone. With conflicts between the world’s superpowers, trade-wars, and data security services, cybersecurity experts are in demand worldwide. In the past five years, demand for intelligence and policy analysts has grown by 21.4%, where multiple companies like HP, Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, SAP, and many more are on the look for these skillsets.

With technology becoming increasingly pervasive – medical implants, self-driving electronic vehicles, and smart cities – the possibilities for carving out an interesting career in this field are vast and exciting. Investors are constantly on the lookout out for the next big invention or the next Silicon Valley of ideas.

marketing strategy discussions

Creative, media, and marketing professionals 

More advertising and marketing professionals will be needed by 2021. Of course, advertising will transfer itself from the common Television, radio, newspaper form and follow a continuous process for digitalization. Digital advertising will continue growing.

Promotional advertisements and messages are delivered through email, social media websites, online advertising on google search engines, banner ads on mobile or Web sites and affiliate programs. There will be a higher demand for professions like Online Community Management, SEO specialist, App Developer, Web Analyst, UX Designer.

mathematical calculations

Mathematical jobs will flood the market

Now, this might seem like a broad term, since mathematics can include any kind of work environment from quantitative sciences to macroeconomics. But in general, when crunching through the numbers, companies in the financial sector like Morgan Stanley or banks like Citi are having head hunters to search for new talents.

Accounting and finance graduates have constantly increased and will grow by another 22% by 2021. Demand for actuaries, mathematicians, and statisticians will boldly increase, however, these numbers are somewhat ambiguous due to the vast array of possibilities.

There is no doubt that companies will continue to expand as long as no economic obstacles or external factors drag them down. If 2021 is not the year of the next global financial crisis, the job market will continue to expand as it did in the past few years.


As the world changes, so will some of our most pressing problems emerge. This paves the way to higher demand in certain sectors that will eventually pay better. There are certain sectors and industries where rapid changes in technology will have less impact on employees, such as medicine and healthcare. It is mainly the tech sector that s under fire when it comes to changes.

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