Business Tips

Make Moving Easy With These Tips

Moving house can be tricky, time-consuming, and more than a little unsettling. Right after you close on the house you are buying or you get the contract for your new rental, you have to be ready to go asap. 

But packing up your whole life into boxes isn’t easy, and when you have to do it for multiple people, pets, and rooms that you rarely go into – it gets a lot real quickly. 

Check List

For those who have the amazing ability to keep a running tab in their head, then a list might feel like something a little too much. Taking the time to make a list will make sure that you don’t forget anything. 

It could be that you want to pack away anything with meaning into a different place. It could also be the order you want to pack and have things moved to your new home. 

Checklists can also be very helpful for your Allied Van Lines movers. 

Supplies Box

Perhaps one of the most frustrating things when moving is getting to the ter side and not being 100% sure where the mugs, kettle, and coffee are. Or it might be the dog bowls and bed. Anything that you deem to be completely essential should be in a box that is clearly labeled so that you know that one should be opened asap. 

Toilet paper, teaspoons, sugar, snack bars, and other small but non-negotiable items. 


An often forgotten park of packing is the food. While tins and cupboard items are fine to move (you’ll need to check), anything that is perishable is typically refused. In the run-up to the big pack and move, try to use or give away anything perishable. Fresh veggies, milk, cheeses, meats, and it can also be a good idea to start using up everything in the freezer. 

The other option is to invest in a high-quality freezer box and hope for the best. 

Change & Notes

While we do live in an almost cashless society, there are some smaller places that are still cash-only. As you travel from one location to another, you might need to stop to get a snack, drink, or gas. So having some change and some notes tucked away safely is a great idea. 

And if you don’t use them, you can always give them as a tip to your movers or put them back in the bank. 


Short-term storage can be your best friend. It allows you to move a majority of things closer to your new home and reduce the cost of professional movers. You can also decide to store anything not essential in there too. 

Using storage in this way can give you a clearer idea of what you really need and what you can potentially get rid of. So it serves a twofold purpose. 

Moving to a new home is a blank canvas, and you can do what you want to make it perfect. Here are some tips that are ideal for people just moving to a new place: How to Future Proof Your Home – Times International

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