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Business Tips

Real Threats To Your Business & How To Prevent Them

If you are not aware of the potential threats to your business, then you should research them immediately – part of being a conscientious business owner means being entirely up to date with what is happening around you in terms of business, even if it is not directly related to your sector. 

However, even if you do know what the risks are, you might not be entirely sure how to prevent them. This is just as important to know and can prevent potentially catastrophic problems within your business. Read on to find out exactly what the biggest threats are and what to do to stop them. 

Disgruntled Employees 

If you employ people, they are the backbone of your business. Without them, would you be able to continue to trade? Although you may have started by doing everything yourself as many small business owners do, your business will have grown over time, and now you probably can’t do without the people you employ.

It would be best if you kept them as happy and productive as possible. Disgruntled, unsatisfied employees are a significant threat to your business. They might decide to leave altogether, or if they stay, they may choose just to do the bare minimum, and their efficiency and productivity levels will fall, which will impact the rest of your business. Plus, if your employees are unhappy, it can give you a bad reputation. 

Make sure you do what you can to keep your employees happy. Give them the tools and equipment they need, train them, praise them where necessary, and listen when they have a query, complaint, or general feedback. 


So much business is done online, and it is highly likely that at least some of your business day will be spent dealing with online inquiries, answering emails, perhaps uploading items to the cloud. You might even have a completely online system, doing away with paperwork in the office.

No matter what level of use you have for the internet, cyberattacks can happen. These are most often in the form of viruses that are sent as email attachments, clickable links, or downloaded from the cloud by accident. They attack the network, stealing client details and making it impossible to work. 

These kinds of attacks are potentially devastating for any business, no matter what size, how well established it is, or what it does.  

Installing security software, investing in software development costs, ensuring your team is trained, and keeping updated with safety features can help you. These measures will prevent any malware from being downloaded and ensure that you can keep your client data completely safe and secure. 

Not Enough Training 

Training is massively important, but it is so easily overlooked. An employee might assume that their staff knows what they need to know, and staff might be unsure about asking for additional help in case it causes a problem. In this way, no one learns anything, and mistakes can easily happen. 

Never be satisfied with the amount of training you are giving or receiving. There is always more to learn, and regular training or updates of previous training gives everyone the chance to understand more about what they are doing. This can only be a positive thing for the business and should never be underestimated. 

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