Business Tips

Making Your Business More Cyber-Secure

We’re living in a technological age where more and more businesses are growing increasingly dependent on software, gadgets and online operations. This has only progressed since the Covid-19 pandemic. Over the course of a couple of years, many people found themselves working from their computers, tablets and laptops more than ever.

Remote work has grown increasingly common. Businesses are switching to more online forms of communication and operations. From the customers’ point of view, online shopping has grown more popular, as well as online forms of customer service. When it comes down to it, your customers are growing more likely to place their orders through e-commerce sites, which allow them to arrange delivery,  than to head out and shop in traditional brick-and-mortar stores.

While there are many benefits to this, where there’s increased online activity, cybercriminals tend to proliferate. Here are some steps that your business can take to help maximise cybersecurity within your business over the coming months.

Use Quality Software

Sure, free software options can be tempting when it comes to cutting operational costs, but you need to make sure that you and your team are only using legitimate software from trusted suppliers. Whether that’s word processing software or compliance management software, buying from authorised and well-reviewed providers will ensure you know exactly what you’re downloading and using, its permissions and other important considerations when prioritising your business’ security.

Implement Firewall

Firewalls protect your business’ network. Put simply, a firewall is a programme that effectively blocks malware and application-layer attacks. When paired with integrated intrusion prevention systems (IPS), quality firewalls can protect your business by responding quickly and seamlessly to outside attacks attempting to access any part of your network.

Have Strict Device Policies

You need to ensure you have strict policies in place for use of any professional devices. Staff should only use devices during working hours for professional activities. This can prevent issues that can present themselves through accessing problematic sites or downloading problematic content.

Clear rules will ensure that your team will be more careful in regard to how they use their devices, reducing the chances of data breaches or malware.

Implement Multi-Factor Authentication

MFA, or “multi-factor authentication”, is something that should be present on all devices or systems that your employees are using. It sends the user trying to access secure information a code to prove that it is them requesting access.

This could be in the form of an email to their work account or a text to their work phone. This will ensure that only your employees can access your business’ data. It can effectively block many cybercriminals in their steps!

Spot Phishing

You and your team should undertake training to ensure you can quickly and reliably spot phishing attempts. These are emails from fake sources that encourage you to provide them with data, information or access to your systems or bank details. There are many training courses out there that can help with this.

Cybersecurity really does need to top your list of priorities for 2023. A thorough understanding, alongside rigorous cybersecurity measures, can ensure you keep your business as safe as possible!

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