
It’s All in the Lighting: Why Proper Illumination Is Key for Your Business

While you might not have thought about it much, the dance between light and dark strikes at our very existence as humans. It’s our barometer for night and day; a marker of happiness and sadness. It stands to reason, then, that if you’re inviting people to your building, paying close attention to how you light the place can have a profound effect on the impression you give. 

Today, we’re going to go through three key facets of building lighting to help you decide how to set things up for your business.

The Outside: Making a Bold Impression With Signage

In many ways, the outside of your building could be considered your most important factor so far as appropriate lighting. Illuminated signage, for example, is your primary beacon for showcasing your brand to the world. Not only is it the primary method for making your building eye-catching to passers-by, but it also offers you the opportunity to present the main stylistic elements of your brand to the world. 

Many businesses opt for traditional painted signs that are illuminated by standard lamps from below, but if you really want to stand out, you’ll want to use large, professionally fabricated, and interiorly lit signage. Of course, this isn’t something you can feasibly do yourself: your best option is a private design firm. Choose a respected lighting solutions company to design and fit your signage, and you’ll be on your way to raking in the customers.

The Entrance: Using Lighting To Welcome

It’s important to immediately foster the ambiance you want when someone walks through your doors, and once again, great lighting is going to be at the cornerstone. Of course, how you set up your lights will depend on the sort of vibe you’re trying to create, so consider the main themes of your brand.

Is it most crucial to create a moody, relaxing feel? Then consider using Edison bulbs for your track lighting or hanging fittings – these types of bulbs give a much warmer glow than traditional ones. If you’re going for that bright and white minimalist feel, then utilizing Strip LEDs can be an excellent way to instill a pristine look. 

The Main Rooms: It’s All About Placement

It’s likely the main theme you’ve used in the entrance will carry over into the main rooms of your building, so the key thing is to build on those existing themes and stretch it over a broader area. This can be more complicated than you think as you have to pay close attention to how the light is cast and diffused over larger areas.

Achieving the best effects usually involves using several different types of lighting. You might have your main overhead lamps that span the length of the room, as well as those fitted to the walls or running along the skirting. Lighting design apps can be very useful for plotting everything out, as it can be difficult to envisage exactly what you want sometimes. 

Lighting forms the backbone of the theme and mood of your business. Put in the effort to dial it in perfectly, and you’ll have made a huge step forward in appealing to your customer base.

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