
How To Prepare For Your First Day In A New Role

Starting a new job is undoubtedly exciting, but is also one of the most nerve-wracking things you can do. You get thrown in the deep end and need to meet new people and do something completely different. Practices and the way of running the business could be completely different to what you’ve had before, even if the role you are going into is the same or very similar.

Because of this, you want to make sure you are as prepared as possible for your first day. By being so, you will have the best chance of success and feel a lot better mentally which can also help you in the long run.

Here we’ve put together some top tips to help you prepare for your first day in a new job.

Dress the part

When you’re starting a role you want to look like you’ve made an effort and feel your best. The better you look, the more confident you will feel. Treat yourself to some new clothes or accessories and make sure you get a haircut and get your outfit planned the night before to avoid a panic in the morning.

Leave plenty of time

The last thing you want is to arrive late on the day. Avoid this by giving yourself a lot of extra time in the morning to figure out your route and allow time for delays. It’s better to be early and go and grab a coffee from around the corner, than turn up after your start time, feeling stressed and giving a bad impression.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself

working in a modern office

First days are never easy and it will probably feel overwhelming. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself and expect it to take a while to learn new things. You will have to ask questions and will feel out of your comfort zone, but remember this won’t last forever. Accept that it might be difficult but this is only temporary. Suggest things you used in other companies such as marketing software or programs like WhatConverts – this could help show you know what you’re doing.

Try and make friends

Making friends as an adult is never easy and can feel daunting. Yet the workplace will be a much happier one if you have people to turn to. Try and make friends right from the off, showing people you’re friendly and want to be part of the team. Make an effort to speak to people, asking them about their role, what they do and just about them in general. If they go out at lunch or for after-work drinks, ask if they would mind you tagging along.

These are just a few top tips that can help you prepare for your first day in a new role. No matter how many times you’ve done it, a first day never gets easier and is just something we all have to get through. Remember that it will get better and easier and soon you’ll forget just why you were nervous! What are some top tips you have to prepare for your first day in a new role? Let us know in the comments below!

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