Business Tips

How To Improve Footfall For Your Store 

Over the past three years specifically but also over the last few decades more gradually, people’s shopping habits have changed massively. Whereas they would once have headed out to the mall or town center to do their shopping, many people now choose to buy online instead. That’s great for eCommerce, but what if you have a brick-and-mortar store? It could mean things have become difficult for you. 

However, it’s important to remember that not everyone wants to shop online, and there is definitely still a place for physical stores. You just need to work out how to bring more customers through your doors to keep making money. Read on for some ideas about how you can improve footfall for your store even in this technological age.  

Create A Welcoming Storefront 

This is perhaps an obvious suggestion, but take a look around as you walk up and down the street or through the mall, and you’ll see that, as obvious as it might be, not everyone is taking advantage of the idea. If you want people to come into your store, you need to make the storefront welcoming. The better and more interesting it is, the more likely it is that people will come inside. 

In order to make your store welcoming, you should make your store windows and entryway clutter free and attractive. Make sure it is in good repair and clean. You can also utilize your windows to create wonderful displays which will catch people’s attention. If you can make people notice you as they’re walking by and if you can ensure your store looks like a friendly place to visit, you’ll get more footfall.  

Product Demos 

Maybe you make things onsite in your store and need to use cleanrooms to ensure everything is up to code. If that’s the case, you have an ideal marketing opportunity right in front of you. If you position this cleanroom or kitchen or anything else you might have where customers can watch the processes take place, showing how things are made, they will want to come in and take a look. They’ll stay longer and will probably be more willing to buy more. 

If you can also offer them samples of whatever it is you’re making, or perhaps even run classes so everyone can make their own, you’ll stand out and ensure people deliberately come to you as well as being intrigued enough when they walk buy to go inside. 

 Open When Customers Need You

When you run a retail store, you might assume you need to open between nine and five, for example. And you need to be open seven days a week.

However, is that really true?

Make a note of how many customers come to you at certain times of the day and certain times of the week. When are you busiest?

When are you quietest?

Once you know this, you can then use social media or your website, for example, to find out when people would find it most convenient for you to be open. 

 It might be that you don’t have to be open seven days a week, but that it would be better if you opened until later at night. If this is what your customers want, it’s certainly something to consider if it would improve your footfall and your profits. 

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