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Business Tips

How To Hire The Right Person Every Time

As a young entrepreneur with a growing business – or even just an idea for a business – the hiring process can be daunting. Deciding who to hire for the limited positions you have available at your small business is no mean feat. You know that whomever you choose will have huge responsibilities towards making your company even greater; furthermore, the decision should come with a lot of research and preparation before it is made.

If you have never hired anyone onto your team before, you may not know what to expect; from the volume of applicants to your interview style, there’s much to unpack. Whether you run a network installation company, a coffee shop, or a tech startup, this advice can be applied across the board.

In this post, we’ll explore how to get a sense of the right person, and common mistakes made by first-time hirers!

Common mistakes made when hiring new staff

If you are hiring new staff for the first time, you can avoid commonly made mistakes simply by adhering to this list! Let’s take a look at easily avoidable hiring mistakes.

1, Interviewing too many people.

When you are sifting through job applications, it is so tempting to interview just about everyone who applies. After all, everybody has a story to tell, and you never know who could be right for the job.

However, by over-interviewing, you create issues for yourself in the long run. This will only make it harder to choose when the time comes to pick a candidate. Only interview excellent candidates on paper.

2, Prioritizing experience over attitude and goals.

A prospective hire with an amazing experience and a bad attitude pales in comparison to somebody just starting their career who is hungry to learn. A highly trainable person with a great attitude is much more likely to succeed than a know-it-all who won’t cooperate.

3, Being impatient with progress.

When you do actually hire a person, it is common to become impatient with their progress – or lack thereof. After all, impatience with a person’s progress is never going to help them thrive. You must remember that as the business owner you have been living and breathing this industry for some time; you must allow your new recruits to catch up.

How to choose between two ideal candidates

If you have gone through the interview process and whittled it down to just two brilliant candidates, how can you possibly choose the right person? Let’s take a look at some ideas for making the right choice.

    • Think about how they might vibe with your existing team. Your existing team is a delicate ecosystem that will inevitably be disrupted when a new recruit joins the fold. Think about how each candidate would handle a new environment.
    • Consider how they might balance your team. Is your team made up of all similar people – whether that relates to gender, race, background or any other category? If so, why not choose the candidate who would balance the team more effectively.
  • Ask them about their goals. Asking prospective candidates about their goals for the future may help you to choose the right fit, based on whose goals align best with your company values.

Final thoughts…

Ultimately, adding a new addition to your team is a daunting task, so use this advice to help you find the right fit.

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