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5 Pro Tips to Avoid Server Disasters at Home or in the Office

Your home or office network is vulnerable both physically and from a software perspective. So protection is necessary to avoid server disasters that could severely impact your business.

Protect Hardware Wiring

Your servers and nodes (computers/printers, etc.) connect to each other using wires. Installing all the required wiring necessary for servers can be a challenge itself. Network wires are hidden for the most part and don’t come into contact with people. However, they can succumb to wear and tear. So it is helpful to protect them using cable ties. Products like Everflex let you gather wires in high-density bundles to safely install more sensitive cables. Should you have no redundancy built into your system, one broken wire could spell disaster for the entire network.

Use Preventative Software Measures

You can protect your servers and network with simple yet effective solutions. One of the easiest is to act to prevent disaster altogether. While this requires some amount of time, it’s nothing compared to the implications of not doing so.

Preventative measures include scheduling regular manual inspections of your hardware. But it also relates to software. Ensure any vulnerability patches are installed ASAP. And keep your cybersecurity systems up to date. Keep up to date with known bugs since hackers often use unpatched software to gain entry into networks.

Avoid Server Disasters with Data Backup

computersYou should back up your data like a religion. Data loss is common in business, and most of it is preventable. For example, hacking alone accounts for a large volume of data theft. Yet, 60% of SMBs don’t have a cybersecurity plan in the UK alone.

And the consequences of data loss include being sold for illicit purposes, loss of business, and legal action against you. Fortunately, data backup is relatively simple. Your server software has tools for backing up network data, and there are many cloud-based services for data backup. Some are free, others aren’t.

Active Monitoring Always Helps

If you are able, it’s best to actively monitor your network and server activity. However, this can be a full-time job. Therefore, you should hire someone with networking skills to do this for you. With monitoring tools, you get an overall perspective of your entire network.

This means you or your employees can spot problems before or as they happen. These commonly include data center, network, and hosting issues. Additionally, natural disasters or severe weather situations can also be problematic for your network integrity.

Outsource to a Managed IT Service

If you don’t have the time, skills, or budget to manage your servers, network, and data, you can get help from professionals. Managed IT services are one of the most outsourced solutions this century. They offer powerful help from skilled and trained professionals, and you don’t need to lift a finger.

Pricing is tiered, but standard features include network monitoring, cybersecurity, and data backup. Further, they are very cost-effective compared to the price of hiring a full-time IT employee at your office. Pricing is typically based on your network size.


Networks and servers are essential for businesses. But managing them is complex, and they need to be maintained. Wiring protection, data backup, and monitoring are recommended.

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