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What Will Your Life Long Goals Cost You?

We all have life goals we want to shoot for. Some of us would love to reach the top of the career ladder, others want to get their name out there and be known for something, and some of us want to live quiet and happy lives! But no matter what your goals are, they’re going to cost you. 

It’s going to take time and money to set plans in motion, and falling short of your financial needs can set you back months and years in the long term. That’s why we’ve collected some of the most common life goals together below; let’s go through just how pricey they can get. 

Starting a Business

Starting your own business is a good way to pull yourself up in the world. It puts you in charge, gives you an innovative edge, and gets your name out there in good time. But in the modern era, there are a lot of costs you’ll come up against, in terms of admin and legal fees to name just a couple. However, running your company from home will only cost you between $2000 and $5000 to get started; attracting investment for that amount won’t be as difficult as putting a whole office together. 

Starting a Family

If you would love to have a family of your own, you’ll need to do a lot of saving before you start expanding. After all, you or your partner will need to stop working to look after your child, and that is when the budget crunch truly happens. So, make sure you’re actively saving each month, to the tune of reaching at least $3000 before your baby comes along. It’s also a good idea to look into life insurance to help cover long term costs in case anything happens to you; start by checking out some Family FIrst Life reviews to scout out the right kinds of policies for you. 

Moving to a New Country

Leaving your current life behind and moving to a new country is a fun goal to have! But the cost of even just having your possessions shipped could be around $5000 or more. You’ll also have to find a place to live, if you’re not being subsidised by work, and adjust to the different cost of living. That’ll take some time getting used to, and could cost upwards of $20,000 overall. 

Buying a Home

We all know buying a house can feel impossible in this economy, and on average it’ll cost over $400,000 across the nation to secure a property. And on top of that you’ll have to pay for fees and furniture costs, which can add another $15,000 to $20,000 to that price at the cheapest. Getting a mortgage takes this cost down, but being approved for one can take a long time. 

Life goals need saving up for, no matter what you want to do. Make sure you get a picture of the cost beforehand. 

Investing in the Future

Saving up your money and placing it in the stock market, crypto or a more secure asset would help your future financial growth. Time in the market beats timing the market is a saying that holds much truth. Thinking in the long term, especially in one or two decades will have your money paying off. The expense of this is the inability of enjoying your youth.

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