
The truth about intermittent fasting to lose weight

As I often like to say, “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights, but equipped with a stomach and a personal metabolism, each one gains weight in their own way.” Despite this reality, the constant search for an easy and simple path to weight loss leads us to embrace new methods, fail-proof tricks, and revolutionary systems. Currently trending is intermittent fasting. But the burning question is: Is it justified?

Decoding Intermittent Fasting:

So, what exactly do we mean by ‘intermittent fasting’? In essence, it’s a diet that alternates between periods without dietary restrictions and short periods of fasting. Fasting can range from abstaining from food entirely to significantly reducing calorie intake. The big question remains: Does it actually help with weight loss and overall health improvement?

The Basic Idea:

The premise sounds promising. Long periods of calorie restriction can put the body into “saving mode,” slowing down weight loss. Intermittent fasting aims to trick the body into not adapting to this new caloric restriction, thereby maintaining a normal metabolic rate. While various mechanisms are proposed, the core concept remains the same: if we don’t compensate for the calorie deficit by overeating outside the fasting period, the diet should be effective, perhaps even more so than conventional diets.

Does It Deliver Results?

The million-dollar question: Does intermittent fasting live up to the hype? According to research, it performs much like other calorie-restricted diets. “Research consistently does not show that intermittent fasting is superior to continuous low-calorie diets” in terms of weight loss.

A comprehensive analysis of nearly fifty studies concluded that, while intermittent fasting appears to yield effects similar to continuous energy restriction in reducing body weight, body fat, and improving glucose homeostasis, it does not seem to mitigate other adaptive responses to energy restriction or enhance weight loss efficiency.

Clinical trials echo the same sentiment: results are essentially the same as with other standard diets. Whether in terms of dropout rates, the amount of weight lost, or improvements in health markers, intermittent fasting doesn’t stand out.

So, What’s the Verdict?

This reaffirms that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss. Everyone has a unique relationship with food, and certain strategies may ‘fit’ better with some than with others. Scientifically speaking, demonizing intermittent fasting is as unjustified as proclaiming it a miracle solution.

The Real Problem:

The issue often lies elsewhere—our obsession with weight. This fixation can lead to misguided decisions and an endless quest for a quick fix.

This doesn’t mean we should dismiss concerns about obesity. Quite the opposite. It means that to hit the target, we must ditch preconceived notions and rethink the strategies and programs we implement.

A Clear Path Forward:

Based on current research, three pieces of advice can be universally given: eat healthily, exercise, and accept your body. Today, everything seems to boil down to weight loss. However, it’s crucial to recognize that stigmatizing overweight or obese individuals as ‘lazy’ or ‘lacking willpower’ promotes unnecessary suffering.

Potential Pitfalls of Intermittent Fasting:

This is precisely where the phenomenon of intermittent fasting can become problematic. Marketed as an effective weight loss method, it attracts many, but it might not work well for everyone. Not even for the majority (according to studies, up to 65% of participants abandon it).

The Risk of Miscommunication:

If we fail to communicate clearly that intermittent fasting is no miracle, we run the risk of leaving many with the conviction that the problem lies with them. If we don’t emphasize that intermittent fasting is not a miraculous solution, we are “promoting suffering” unjustifiably.


Intermittent fasting, hailed as a revolutionary weight loss method, falls into the same basket as many other diets. While it might work for some, it’s not a universal solution. Our journey toward a healthier lifestyle should be guided by understanding our bodies, fostering positive habits, and debunking the myths surrounding weight loss. So, the next time someone touts intermittent fasting as the holy grail of weight loss, remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to a healthier, happier you.

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