cybersecurity professional
Business Tips

The Worry Caused By The Lack Of Cybersecurity Professionals

If there is one thing that is always on the news at the moment it is cybersecurity. It seems that there is a cyber attack every day of the week. We are sure you have heard about the big cyber breaches at the likes of British Gas, Ashley Madison, and TalkTalk. However, these are just the big breaches and the big businesses that we hear about. What about all of the small companies as well?

Increase in Data Breaches

The significant number of data breaches happening is a real problem, particularly as there is a significant shortage in skills and not sufficient cybersecurity consultants around the globe. Plus, the Internet of Things is only making the issue worse.

The average salary for a cybersecurity professional has soared per annum due to the significant shortage in skills. It is now at $116,000 a year, which is $55.77 per hour. There was also a survey carried out by ISACA, which has indicated that 86% of businesses and IT professionals around the globe believe there is a shortage of cybersecurity experts. At the same time, 46% feel they will suffer a breach this year but only 34% are prepared for this.

The Acceleration Growth of Cybercrime

If that wasn’t worse enough, the rise in the Internet of Things is only accelerating the problem, as it means cybercriminals can attack from more places. Conventionally, cybersecurity has only really been a concern for monetary information and medical records. Yet, with connected devices, people are now more susceptible to attacks, as hackers are going to be gaining access to physical devices and they can even control people’s devices remotely. From a crypto consultant to a government agency, many businesses require their help.

In fact, a recent study carried out by HP has revealed that 7 in 10 IoT devices had data and security vulnerabilities, meaning hacking them would be fairly easy. Some of the main problems include insufficient authorisation, insecure web interfaces, lack of transport encryption, inadequate software protection, and privacy concerns. When you think about the sheer billions of devices that are connected to the web, you see the issue. 

Furthermore, we will see a massive increase in the demand for insurance policies that protect against cyber attacks, as businesses and individuals know that the monetary impact that comes from a data breach could be too much for them to come back from.

Investing in the future of Cybersecurity

All of this comes together to show that we need to be investing more in cybersecurity training, from a business and global perspective. There needs to be more concentration on training individuals so people can have careers in this area. We simply cannot afford to let demand continue to outweigh supply, as it has been. 

All in all, we hope you now have a better understanding of the cyber security skills shortages in the world at the moment, and how they are being fueled by the connected world that we live in today. We need to invest in training now to protect our futures.

Final Remarks

The accelerating growth of cybercrime as a result of increased internet consumerism and online businesses will be a considerable problem due to the lack of anti-fraudsters and online security professionals. As more and more businesses go online enlisting web security professionals will be crucial for doing business seamlessly and without obstacles.

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