dream big written on wall

10 Ways to Stay Motivated to Hit Your Goals

One of the hardest things to do in life is to achieve the goals that you set for yourself. The reason for this isn’t because you don’t want the things that you want in life, but because staying motivated is the hardest thing about it.

We are living in a world of distraction. In the palm of your hand you can access pretty much every piece of information that you could ever want to access, and we are accessing that information 24 hours a day seven days a week. We aren’t sleeping properly, we aren’t eating properly, we are consuming information in massive amounts.

How to keep yourself motivated?

The thing is, you don’t need digital distractions to keep you away from your goals. Some digital distractions are worth it, because learning how to create a vision board using Canva would not be possible without it. Instead of finding it too hard to stay focused and productive, you need to look at what could be easier right now – and that’s learning how to stay motivated to hit your goals. Below, we have a list of 10 ways that you can stay motivated as you move through your goal list.

motivation sign

Tips to keep your motivation levels high

  • Don’t make money your motivator. It doesn’t matter what your goals are, money should never be the motivation behind them. If you want to become a lawyer, but you can’t afford college, money shouldn’t stop you from doing it. Instead, you have to create a goals list that centers around getting to college without being a millionaire. Money doesn’t have to be all motivation at all, in fact it’s just simply a distraction from the gold hand.
  • Make sure that your goals are yours. While we’re talking about feeling motivated in your goals, make sure that you are not living out the life somebody wants for you. This can often be very hard to do when you know you have a parent who is driven and who didn’t get to achieve their goals in life. Instead of living out the dream of somebody else though, make sure that the goals that you are living are the ones you truly want. Nobody wants to feel resentful as they go through life, and one of the easiest ways to feel resentful about the people around you is to live their goals and try to be that person to live their dreams. Instead, leave your own dreams and live your best life for it.
  • Visualize it to make it happen. A vision board is a stunning piece of equipment when you’re trying to put your goals into play. Putting together a vision board is going to help you to stay motivated and it will fuel you on the days when you just don’t feel like working towards them. When you look at your vision board, you’ll feel invincible.
  • Make it small. Your goals themselves do not have to be small, but to feel motivated you need to set smaller targets. If you want to go to college, make your first target going to classes to get into college. Then make your next target: getting into college and filling in the applications. You can probably break your goals down even further than this which will really help you feel motivated.
  • Rely on the positivity of others. If you’re starting to struggle in your motivation, your friends and your family can help bolster you – so share your goals. Tell them what you’re hoping to achieve. Tell them you’re struggling when you’re struggling and they will be able to keep you going and hold you up – that’s what they’re there for.

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  • Be organized about it. If you want to make sure you are motivated and hitting your goals, organize them. Set a schedule and a strategy and keep up with those schedule timings. This is key to getting what you want in life. You only get one shot at this, so don’t waste it.
  • Always keep your big picture in mind. It’s so important that you keep your top tier goal in your mind at all times. Even when you are paying your dues and grafting, the menial tasks all build up towards that top tier goal. If you’re dealing with a week so you don’t feel as motivated as usual, you need to remember your bigger picture and let it fuel you once again.
  • Don’t panic about the things that you can’t control. When you want to stay motivated with your goals, don’t panic about ‘what if’ as that’s not going to help you. Instead focus on using positive language. Instead of doubting that you’re going to get into college, tell yourself that you will. The thing is, even if this goal doesn’t happen immediately, it doesn’t mean it won’t happen at all.
  • Look for the positives – always. Instead of focusing on anything negative, look for the positives so that you can ensure that you are packed with positivity every single day. Find positive affirmations and quotes and make your vision board truly come to life. Seeking out positive information is going to give you a boost and keep you on topic. You don’t want to go off on a tangent here, because tangents can last for years and you could run out of time.
  • Keep reminding yourself why you set this goal. What do you want from this goal? Why are you hoping to achieve it? Was it to help people, or was it to help yourself? How about both? These are questions that you have to keep asking yourself because if you don’t remind yourself while you’re doing it it can feel a bit useless to keep going through something that is difficult initially and not be able to see the end goal. You have to stay motivated and that is within your reach, reminding yourself about your end goal in mind and breaking down the larger result into manageable steps will help.

You can make the life you want happen. Are you ready to try?

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