
How To Create Story Highlights On Instagram In 2024

Hey Instagrammers! Looking to add some extra flair to your profile? Well, you’re in luck! In today’s digital age, social media platforms like Instagram offer a plethora of features to help you stand out from the crowd.

Story Highlights allow you to curate and showcase your favorite Instagram Stories directly on your profile page. Whether it’s your recent vacation, behind-the-scenes glimpses of your daily life, or highlights from a special event, Story Highlights let you share these moments in a more permanent and easily accessible way.

In this article, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of creating and customizing Story Highlights on Instagram.


Add a Story to an Existing Highlight

If you want to add a story to your existing Highlight, open the story you want to upload. Once done, click on the “Highlight” option found at the bottom of the screen. Instagram will then prompt you to choose which existing Highlight you want to add your story to. That’s it!


Create a New Highlight

To create a new highlight, first access your profile and click on the icon marked in the red square.

Once you’ve done that, you’ll see the following screen and you should click on the “Story Highlight” option.

Then, you’ll be presented with another screen where you can choose the name and cover for your highlight.

You can select any cover, even choosing from photos in your gallery.

After clicking on the “Add” option, you’ll need to select a story to add to your highlight.

Once you’ve done that, click on “Next.”

Your highlight is now ready!


Add a Story to Highlight From Your Story Archive

You can also create a Highlight directly from your Story Archive with ease. Here’s how:

First, navigate to your Instagram profile and click on the top-right corner where three horizontal lines appear.

Next, a screen will appear with various options. Click on the “Archive” option.

After that, select the story you want to add to your Highlight, and once you do, you’ll see it in your Story Highlights!

Do you Want to Create a Highlight From Your Story Archive?

If you want to create a Story Highlight from your story archive, you’ll need to follow the previous steps to access your “archive.” Then, click on a story you want to add. When you reach the next screen, click on “Highlight.”

Once you’ve clicked on “Highlight,” next, you’ll need to click on “New” to create a new Highlight.

Afterward, you’ll see the following screen where you should enter the name of your new Highlight and click on “Add.” Once you’ve done that, you’ll have created your new Highlight!



And that wraps up your journey to creating captivating Story Highlights! From selecting cherished moments in your Instagram Story or Archive to showcasing them on your profile, you’ve crafted a collection to reminisce on and share with your audience. Keep Highlighting and cherish the memories!

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