
Do You Know The Responsibilities of Church Leadership?

As one of the few remaining third places in society, a point of gathering for people of faith, and a place dedicated to practicing your worship, churches play a vital role in an increasingly secular age. Being chosen for a leadership position in a church is one that comes with a lot of responsibilities and whether you have been elected to that position or taken it upon yourself to lead your ministry, it’s important to be keenly aware of your responsibilities and how you handle them.


Being a spiritual leader

Naturally, as a church leader, leading your congregation in worship and in better understanding of your creed is the role you might immediately think of. Preaching sermons, studying scripture with your church members, and facilitating the sacraments are all going to be part of your duty. You need to feel a sense of spiritual shepherding.

This doesn’t necessarily mean having all of the answers and dictating them, but rather working with your community, using your understanding of scripture to help them come to the spiritual growth that they need to continue on the path of righteousness. Paying heed to the marks of a spiritual leader can help you ensure that you’re keeping every facet of these duties in mind.


Being a church manager

The church is not just a spiritual gathering, it is a very real organization, physical location, and legal entity, in most cases. As such, you are likely to have property, assets, employees, and administrative work to take care of.

Make sure that you are treating it as such, maintaining the necessary records, budgeting appropriately, protecting your assets with services like church commercial insurance, and more. Keeping the church ticking may not be glamorous, and you might not get thanked for it as much, but it facilitates the rest of your duties. It’s hard to gather people without a place to gather them or to keep in touch with your community without the assistance you need.


Being a social pillar

Churchs play an important role as one of the remaining third places in society, as mentioned. They are a place outside of school and outside of employment where individuals and families who share a geographical can engage with one another, build bonds, and develop a real sense of community.

While the spiritual side of that community might be your primary focus, a good church leader understands that taking part in that community, facilitating connections, and bringing people together is good for the strength of the church and the strength of the people. The support and care of those around us are some of the most vital ingredients for a successful and happy life, and organizing church social events and being active in church groups can be a vital part of your role.

If you’re considering or have accepted a position of leadership in your church, then hopefully the above responsibilities aren’t entirely a novel idea for you. However, now is the time to start seriously planning and thinking about how you carry them out.

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