do amish pay their taxes?

Do Amish Pay Taxes? – Our Quick Explanation

The Amish community, known for its traditional lifestyle and separation from modern conveniences, has long intrigued the wider society. One common question that often arises is whether the Amish pay taxes. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of the Amish and explore their tax obligations within the United States.

Understanding the Amish Community

The Amish, also known as the “Plain People,” is a devout Christian group that originated in Europe in the late 17th century. They immigrated to North America in search of religious freedom and settled primarily in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana, although their presence can be found in several other states as well.

The Amish live a simple and self-sufficient lifestyle, adhering to principles outlined in the Ordnung, a set of traditional rules governing their behavior and beliefs. They value humility, community, and separation from the secular world, which is reflected in their clothing, technology restrictions, and general way of life.

What are the Tax Obligations of the Amish?

Contrary to popular belief, the Amish do pay taxes in the United States. However, their tax obligations differ from those of the general population due to certain exemptions and allowances granted to them by the government.

Let’s examine the key aspects of Amish tax obligations:

Income Taxes


The Amish are subject to federal and state income taxes, just like any other individual earning income in the United States. However, some Amish individuals and communities may be eligible for specific exemptions based on their religious beliefs and their lifestyle centered around agrarian and small business practices.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recognizes that the Amish community often sustains themselves through farming and cottage industries. These sources of income align with their traditional values and are essential for their self-sufficiency. Therefore, certain exemptions may be granted for income derived from these activities, such as income from the sale of handmade crafts or homegrown produce.

The percentage of income tax the Amish pay is determined by the same progressive tax rates applied to all individuals in the United States. As of the 2021 tax year, the federal income tax rates range from 10% to 37%, depending on the income level.

Social Security Taxes

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One notable exception for the Amish community is their exemption from paying Social Security taxes. The Social Security Act, which was enacted in 1935, provided an exemption for self-employed individuals whose religious beliefs oppose the use of insurance. The Amish, who believe in mutual aid within their community rather than relying on government assistance, are exempted from paying Social Security taxes.

This exemption means that the Amish do not pay into the Social Security system and are not eligible to receive benefits from it. Instead, they rely on their close-knit communities to provide financial support during times of need, such as medical expenses or retirement.

The Social Security tax, commonly referred to as FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) tax, consists of both the employee and employer portions. For most individuals, the total FICA tax rate is 15.3% of earned income, with 12.4% allocated for Social Security and 2.9% for Medicare. The exemption from paying Social Security taxes means the Amish can save a significant portion of their income that would have otherwise gone towards these contributions.

Property Taxes

Amish communities typically own agricultural lands, which are subject to property taxes. However, some states have implemented provisions to provide tax relief for Amish farmers due to the importance of agriculture in their way of life. These provisions may include reduced tax rates or exemptions for certain types of property, such as horse-drawn vehicles or barns.

Local jurisdictions often recognize the economic and cultural significance of Amish agriculture, and as a result, they implement measures to support and encourage the preservation of farming traditions within their communities.

Sales Taxes


The Amish are subject to sales taxes like any other consumer in the United States. When purchasing goods and services, they are required to pay the applicable sales tax, which varies from state to state. The Amish are active participants in local economies, running their own businesses and engaging in commercial transactions while still adhering to their traditional lifestyle.

The income generated from these businesses helps sustain the Amish community and contributes to the economic vitality of the regions where they reside.

Sales tax rates differ across states, ranging from around 4% to 10%. For instance, in Pennsylvania, where a significant Amish population resides, the state sales tax rate is 6%, while local jurisdictions may impose additional sales tax. Therefore, when an Amish individual or community makes a taxable purchase, they would pay the appropriate sales tax percentage based on their location.

Other Taxes

Apart from income, property, and sales taxes, the Amish community is generally subject to other taxes as well, such as excise taxes and vehicle registration fees. Excise taxes are imposed on specific goods, such as gasoline, tobacco, alcohol, and firearms. These taxes are levied at the point of sale and are applicable to everyone, including the Amish.

When it comes to vehicle registration fees, the Amish community has unique considerations. While they embrace a simple lifestyle and typically avoid using motor vehicles, they do utilize horse-drawn carriages and other non-motorized modes of transportation. Depending on state regulations, these vehicles may be exempt from traditional motor vehicle registration fees or subject to reduced fees due to their limited use on public roads.

The Amish and Voluntary Compliance

The Amish community takes their tax obligations seriously and generally adheres to the tax laws of the United States. While they may have certain exemptions and allowances based on their religious beliefs and lifestyle, they are committed to fulfilling their duties as responsible citizens.

The Internal Revenue Service has worked closely with the Amish community to ensure compliance while respecting their religious convictions. The IRS has developed educational materials specifically tailored to address the unique tax issues and challenges faced by the Amish. This collaborative approach aims to facilitate voluntary compliance and promote mutual understanding.

The Importance of Economic Self-Sufficiency

One of the core values of the Amish community is economic self-sufficiency. They prioritize maintaining their independence and reliance on their own resources rather than depending on government assistance programs. This self-sufficiency is closely tied to their religious beliefs and the desire to live a simple, humble life focused on their faith and community.

The Amish place great emphasis on supporting their own community members through mutual aid systems. They believe in pooling resources to provide assistance to those in need, whether it’s for medical expenses, natural disasters, or other unforeseen circumstances. This strong sense of communal responsibility and support allows them to navigate challenges without relying on external welfare programs.


Contrary to popular misconceptions, the Amish community does pay taxes in the United States. While they may have certain exemptions and allowances based on their religious beliefs and unique lifestyle, they are subject to federal, state, and local tax obligations like any other individual or business entity.

The Amish’s exemption from Social Security taxes, property tax relief for farmers, and specific considerations for their non-motorized transportation reflect the recognition of their distinct way of life and the importance of preserving their traditions.

Understanding the tax obligations of the Amish community helps dispel misunderstandings and fosters a deeper appreciation for their commitment to self-sufficiency, community support, and adherence to their religious values. As an integral part of American society, the Amish contribute to local economies, operate businesses, and fulfill their responsibilities as responsible citizens while remaining true to their unique way of life.

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