UniversityGender studies explained – Is it really that bad?Robert Kormoczi2019-07-302024-02-17 by Robert Kormoczi2019-07-302024-02-1715536 Gender studies have often been regarded as a topic of ridicule and disdain. Is it really as bad as the public claims? Let’s have a...
UniversityPost Graduate DepressionRobert Kormoczi2019-07-262024-02-16 by Robert Kormoczi2019-07-262024-02-1619375 Graduating from college and entering “the real world” is perhaps one of the most jarring life transitions a young adult will ever face. It is...
UniversityThe best colleges for merit scholarships in EuropeGuest Poster2019-07-092024-03-24 by Guest Poster2019-07-092024-03-2404752 Studying for free always sounds awesome, right? When I was finishing high school, I already knew I wanted to study abroad. To make my wish...
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EducationThe Cheapest Universities for InternationalsRobert Kormoczi2019-06-192024-02-17 by Robert Kormoczi2019-06-192024-02-1703797 University fees continue to rise in many parts of the world! And while some of you might be worried that getting a recognised degree abroad,...
UniversityUniversity Rankings ExplainedRobert Kormoczi2019-05-252024-02-17 by Robert Kormoczi2019-05-252024-02-1704684 Millions of students across the world are faced with many choices when applying for the right university? Multiple factors influence student decisions when it comes...
EducationThe Best Grammar Checker Tools for WritingRobert Kormoczi2019-05-062024-02-17 by Robert Kormoczi2019-05-062024-02-1706429 Are you having trouble with spelling, grammar, or just want to improve your writing? Here are some tools I’ve tried and recommended! Here are the...
UniversityApps every college student needs in 2023Robert Kormoczi2019-05-032024-02-17 by Robert Kormoczi2019-05-032024-02-1704327 Most of us are all familiar with simple tools and apps like Google Drive, Facetime, or a digital Oxford Dictionary. But what about apps that...