How To Prioritise Me Time: Tips For Those Struggling To Find The Balance

How To Prioritise Me Time: Tips For Those Struggling To Find The Balance

Ever feel like you’re running on fumes? Like the days blur together and you can’t remember the last time you did something just for you? You’re not alone. In a world that glorifies being “busy,” finding time for yourself can feel like an impossible task. But here’s a truth we all need to hear: carving out a little me time isn’t selfish, and it’s not a luxury. It’s the glue that holds your sanity together.

Think of it this way—when you’re running on empty, everything feels harder. You’re snappier, less focused, and let’s be honest, just not as fun to be around. Prioritising yourself isn’t about avoiding responsibilities; it’s about showing up as your best self. And no, you don’t need a week-long vacation or a spa day to make it happen. Sometimes, it’s just about taking a few intentional moments to breathe, recharge, and remember who you are outside of the chaos. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at a few ways to figure out how to make that happen, even when it feels like there’s just no time.

Why Me Time Matters:

You really can’t pour from an empty cup. How many times have you heard that one? Ten? Twenty? One Hundred? It’s a cliché for a reason. When you’re constantly giving your energy to everything and everyone else, eventually, you hit a wall. Me time is what keeps that from happening. Maybe it’s ten minutes or an entire afternoon, whatever it may be, setting out some time for yourself is the ultimate recharge.

But it’s not just about recharging—it’s about reconnecting. Life moves so fast that it’s easy to lose touch with what you actually enjoy or what you need. Me time is your chance to pause, think, and maybe even discover a new part of yourself. It’s like hitting the reset button on your brain. And honestly, who doesn’t need that every now and then?

Practical Tips To Prioritise Me Time:

Schedule It Like A Meeting

Look, if it’s not on your calendar, it’s probably not happening. That’s just how life works. So, block off some time—just like you would for a work meeting or your kid’s soccer game. Write it down, set a reminder, whatever you need to do. And treat it as seriously as you would anything else. This isn’t “optional” time; it’s non-negotiable.

Don’t overthink it, either. Me time doesn’t have to be an elaborate plan. It can be as simple as sitting in the garden with a cup of coffee or taking a 20-minute walk around the block. The key is to make it official so nothing else sneaks in and steals that time away from you.

Start Small

Not everyone can drop everything and dedicate a whole day to themselves. And that’s absolutely fine. Start where you are. If all you’ve got is five minutes, take those five minutes. Use them to breathe, stretch, or just sit in silence. Heck, you could even spend that time playing a round or two of solitaire online. It’s such a simple way to zone out and give your brain a little break. The important thing is that you’re doing something just for you, no matter how small it feels.

And you’d be surprised how those tiny moments add up. Five minutes today could turn into ten tomorrow, and before you know it, you’ve built a habit of prioritising yourself.

Learn To Say No

This one’s tough, right? Saying no can feel selfish, especially if you’re the kind of person who’s always trying to be there for everyone. But do you want to know the truth? Saying no isn’t about letting people down; it’s about setting boundaries. And boundaries are healthy, necessary, and totally okay.
You don’t have to explain yourself, either. “I can’t today” is a perfectly acceptable answer. When you start protecting your time, you’ll find it so much easier to carve out space for yourself. And honestly, the people who truly care about you will understand that without any explanation needed.

How To Prioritise Me Time: Tips For Those Struggling To Find The Balance

Unplug To Recharge

Phones are great. They let us do everything from ordering groceries to keeping up with friends who live halfway across the world. But they’re also total time-suckers. If you’re scrolling Instagram or answering emails every spare second, you’re not giving yourself a real break.

Try putting your phone in another room for a bit. See what it feels like to be fully present with yourself. You could read a book, doodle in a notebook, or just stare completely mindlessly out the window. It might feel weird at first, but that’s just because we’re so used to constant distractions. Give it time—you might even come to love the quiet.

Create A Sanctuary

Okay, “sanctuary” might sound a little dramatic, but just hear me out. Having a go-to spot where you can relax makes a huge difference. Maybe it’s a corner of your bedroom with a comfy chair and a soft blanket. Or maybe it’s the kitchen container when the house is quiet. It doesn’t have to be fancy—just somewhere you feel at ease.

And don’t be afraid to personalise it. Light a candle, play some soft music, or add a few plants. Make it a space that feels like yours and yours alone. Even just stepping into that space can be a signal to your brain: “Hey, it’s time to chill.”

Combine Me Time With Existing Routines

This one’s a bit sneaky, but it works. Look at the things you already do and see if there’s a way to turn them into me time. Commuting? Pop on a podcast or playlist that makes you happy. Cooking dinner? Play around with a new recipe you’ve been dying to try. Even your morning shower can become a little me time moment if you treat it that way.

The idea is to make the most of the time you’ve already got, especially if your schedule is jam-packed. It’s not about adding more to your day; it’s about shifting how you use the time that’s already there.

Experiment With Different Activities

Not all me time is created equal. What works for one person might not work for you, and that’s totally okay. The fun part is figuring out what actually helps you relax and recharge. You need to find something that works for you and makes you actually feel like you’re doing something special for yourself. It doesn’t matter what it is.

The point is to try stuff. Mix it up. See what feels good and go from there. And don’t be afraid to change things up if what you’re doing starts to feel stale.

How To Prioritise Me Time: Tips For Those Struggling To Find The Balance

Overcoming Common Challenges:


Let’s talk about guilt, because it’s the number one thing that gets in the way of me time. It’s so easy to feel like you’re being selfish when you take time for yourself. But think about it this way: when you’re stressed, burnt out, or overwhelmed, how much help are you to the people around you? Not much, right? Taking care of yourself makes you better equipped to take care of everyone else. You’re not being selfish; you’re being smart.

Time Constraints

There’s never enough time. That’s just life. But if you really look at your day, chances are there’s at least a little wiggle room. Maybe it’s the ten minutes you spend scrolling TikTok before bed or the half-hour you waste deciding what to watch on Netflix. Could you use that time differently? Probably.
The trick is to be intentional. You don’t need a ton of time—you just need to make the most of what you’ve got. And remember, it’s okay if your me time isn’t perfectly consistent. Life happens. Just do your best.

External Expectations

Oh, the dreaded “shoulds.” You should be working harder. You should be spending more time with your family. You should be doing something productive. Should, should, should… Sound familiar? It’s exhausting trying to live up to everyone else’s expectations. And honestly, you don’t have to.

The people who matter will understand if you need to take a step back and focus on yourself. And the ones who don’t understand? Well, that’s their issue—not yours.

The Ripple Effect Of Prioritising Me Time:

When you start making time for yourself, it’s not just you who benefits. You’ll be calmer, more patient, and just… better to be around. Your relationships will improve. Your work will improve. And most importantly, you’ll feel better.

It’s like throwing a stone into a pond. That little act of prioritising yourself sends ripples out into every other part of your life. And who knows? You might even inspire the people around you to do exactly the same thing. Imagine a world where everyone took the time to care for themselves. It’d be a pretty amazing place, wouldn’t it?

Concluding Thoughts:

Finding balance isn’t about getting it right 100% of the time. Some days you’ll nail it, and some days you won’t. And that’s okay. The goal definitely isn’t to be perfect—it’s to keep trying. Every little step you take toward prioritising yourself is a giant win.

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